S. Asian School and Orphanage Fund

We've purchased the land, built it, and now it's fully operational! The orphanage is now home to 22 Christian children, who are up for Sponsorship on our website, and the school has over 100 children attending regularly throughout the week! The orphanage needs $3475/month to keep it open and the school $1,825. Thank you for being a blessing and a light in the darkness on this side of the world!

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Our Goal
Here is our 3-Phase Plan to be a blessing to orphans, widows, and impoverished Christians who cannot afford an education in Pakistan.

Purchase Land

We have a notorized deal on the PERFECT peice of land that sits between the two villages.


A design has been selected.  We'll pick a contractor.  Then build the School and Orphanage.

Sponsorship Program

LTU will partner with the local church to create and manage a Child Sponsorship Program that will help support the programs ran out of the building.