LTU is 2 Years Old!


What a beautiful journey we've been on...

LTU is 2 Years Old!

THANK YOU to all of our wonderful, faithful, and kind Sponsors!  Because of you, hope is being restored to communities across post-genocide Rwanda- one child at a time! This past January, LTU turned 2 years old.  This month, we celebrated our 59th kiddo to get sponsored!  Help us make it to 100 this year!  (Don't worry, we won't run out...we've got 900 more lined up!)
This week's "Featured Child" is young Mr. Odo. He's 15 years old and lives near the capital of Rwanda. Odo desperately needs an education before going into the work force. For just $40 a month, you can help him get the skills that he needs to be successful and contribute to lifting his nation out of post-genocidal poverty. 

AND if you sponsor him this month, he'll get the bed, blanket, mosquito net package right away (thanks to a generous donor), along with an education, clothes, food and healthcare!  God bless you for your kindness!  Follow this link to sponsor young Odo today!

We were just putting the kids into school, when home visits by myself and local pastors revealed that most of our kids were sleeping on cold dirt floors at home and had nothing to eat or bath with.  So in response, we've added that to our 'Care Package'.  We're setting our kids up for success at home AND at school, because the two are connected.  

Thank you again, for all that you do and for your faithful support that makes this program such a blessing. 

Come to Rwanda with me in June and visit your kiddo!  Shoot me an email to, Subject: I want more info on visiting Rwanda! and I'll send you more details!  Can't go?  Send Children's Bibles with us!  We use this one and need 25 by June 1st: The Bible App for Kids, shipped to our office.

Also ...  *drum roll*****
Kendra Willard