An Amazing Opportunity



Amazing Opportunity to Bless the Persecuted


Hi Friends!  We have the honor and opportunity to bless a Christian widow and her family in one of the Top 5 most persecuted countries for Christians on the planet- Pakistan.  

The brutal summer heat is coming soon and her roof is collapsing.  It's already regularly over 110' F there, with a high of 115' later this week.  We want to fix up her house and give this sweet woman and her kiddos a dignified place to live, that protects them from the heat and doesn’t leak.  

Partnering with trusted church leaders on the ground who can do the work, we need $430 to make it happen.  $30 of it is so that we can also buy her some groceries to bless her heart and encourage her.  
Can you help us?  #BlessedAreThePersecuted 

"Blessing orphans and widows?  Sounds like something Jesus would do."
-Reuben Willard
Preaching Jesus in Pakistan.
Pakistan has suffered 2 genocide events in modern history, with Christians getting caught in the cross-fires of both.  Still today, it is very difficult to be a Christian in a place where a mob can just claim that you've blasphemed Mohammad and kill you in the street.  So what an opportunity- to be a blessing to our brothers and sisters in Christ, who risk so much to follow Jesus!  After all, we're the Body of Christ- when one part of the Body suffers, the whole Body suffers.

Let's shine some light into this place and put an end to some unnecessary suffering. 

Follow this link to be a blessing today:
Pakistani Widow Blessing Fund

Amazon Smile :)

We are now on Amazon Smile!  If you shop on Amazon and want Amazon to donate a portion of your sales to LTU, here's what you can do:

Type "Lift Them Up International" in the nonprofit search bar
and then you just continue shopping!  It's that easy.  From that point on, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase price to Lift Them Up.  Seems small, like a drop in a bucket- but lakes are made up of lots of little drops that get together, so let's see what we can do!

Thank you for your time and blessings on your week.

Kendra Willard